Unforgettable Egypt
Source : Google photo of the Hatshepsut temple in Luxor Synopsis : Countries such as Egypt that have offered their very rich heritage to...

A list of all my blogs
Source : Google photo I have put together the following list of all of my blogs in alphabetical order so that you can instantly access...

Glory of Meroë
Source : Google photo of the pyramids at Meroe in Sudan Synopsis : What are we if we do not value of our heritage? How can any nation go...

A treasure trove of visual delights
I present to you eleven episodes of the series called Our planet that has English subtitles and the wonderful narration by David...

Rich man poor man
Source : Google photo of rich man and poor man Synopsis : It is a fact of life that some people are more blessed than others although...

A sense of community
Source : Google photo of the Amish people building a barn together Synopsis : The village people in rural Bengal , India are shown in...