Frog in the well
Source : Google photo of the frog in the well Synopsis: If you live like a frog in a well, you will have a very limited view of the...
Why do we imitate?
Source : Google photo of Western culture invasion Synopsis : The blind imitation of the Western culture that contradicts your own values...
Arranged marriage
Source : Google photo of an arranged marriage in India Synopsis : The arranged marriage is still prevalent in traditional societies like...
Noble animals
Source : Google photo of noble animals Synopsis : Humans have mistreated animals since a very long time and sadly it continues even today...
Don't be a scrooge
Source : Google photo Synopsis: People say the Christmas season is for caring and sharing but people who care and share do not wait for...
Amazing progress
Source : Google photo Synopsis : All countries are making progress in varying degrees to make life better for their citizens but India is...
Sinister primal instinct
Source : Google photo Synopsis : The incidence of rape and murder of an innocent child, girl or a woman occurs in societies where the men...
Plight of the gypsies
Source : Google photo of the Roma people in Europe Synopsis : Not many people know much about the Roma people of Europe or in other...
What is conscience?
Source : Google photo Synopsis :Conscience is a very precious thing to have that is priceless yet we see people without conscience almost...
Source : Google photo I have often thought about whether or not my life has been worth it and meaningful but soon a question comes up. ...