Ghosts and souls
Synopsis : We all hear stories of ghosts and souls .There are many photos as evidence that they exist although why they do not get...
Crime and punishment
Source : google photo Synopsis : The news media are full of crimes committed everyday somewhere so people become inured to such news but...
Prejudice of caste
Source : Google photo Synopsis : The prejudice of caste is widespread in India among the Hindus who look down on the low caste people...
Result of hard work
Source : Google photo Synopsis: There is no substitute for hard and honest work. This blog gives an example of a person who succeeded in...
Two very brave women
Synopsis: Two very brave women who gave their life for the independence movement in India are remembered here because they made the...
Fabulous treasures of Maharajas in India
Source : Google photo This is a power point presentation in two parts. Just follow the link here. Part One :!AmoX9W4g...
Pashmina shawls of Kashmir
Source : Google photo This is a power point presentation. Just follow the link below.
Pride and strife of Lucknow embroiders
This is a power point presentation in two parts. Just follow the link given here.
Miniature paintings of Mughal era
Source : Google photo This is a power point presentation in two parts . Just follow the link given below.!AmoX9W4gHul...
Stairwells of Rajasthan
Source : Google photo This is a power point presentation. Just follow the link given here.!AmoX9W4gHulzhxygdFdXwM1y46-y