You can always leave but never go back
Source : Google photo Synopsis : It is true that most people stay where they are born or near it in most countries but this is mostly...
Good and bad habits and manners
Source : Google photo of good manners Synopsis : Good habits and manners are learned in a family first and perhaps later in the school or...
Clothes, food and religious taboo
Source : Google photo of Yemeni women Synopsis : Clothes, food and religious taboo vary from country to country because they depend on...
The vanishing tribes
Source : Photo by Rehahn Synopsis : All over the world the tribal people have come under pressure to change their culture, their food...
Sibling relationships
Source : Google photo Synopsis : We all experience that our relationship with our siblings change and evolve over a period of time due to...
Good and bad teacher
Source : Google photo Synopsis : We have the experience of having good, mediocre as well as bad teachers when we were in school and later...
Clash of generations
Source : Google photo Synopsis : We always face this relationship between the older generation and the younger generation that undergoes...
Consequence of culture clash
Source : Google photo Synopsis : We suffer from culture clash when we go abroad and see and meet people who may be very different from...
Cultural barriers
Source : Google photo Synopsis : The tendency to value one's own culture more than other cultures can lead to misunderstanding and...
Food and its evolution
Source : Google photo Synopsis : The food people eat varies a great deal from country to country and also within a country from region...